Fun With English
120 sessions with 20 professional tutors, our topics range from wine appreciation, fitness, ballet, fencing, handicrafts and all, allowing you a chance to make friends and have fun through Fun with English!
Reading Cats from Head to Toe
羅涵予 Valerie / 專長:貓咪知識
讀不懂貓,還覺得他們是貓皇,你是貓奴嗎?跟我一起更認識貓並直接應用所學吧!附註: Ps. 會有真貓跟課,如有過敏請自行斟酌
If you think cats are cute but that’s all you know about them, or you think cats are just cold, uncaring animals, you are welcome to join me in learning about cats’ perceptions and the way they express their emotions!
1, 2, 3, 4 — Let’s Embroider the 1234 Cake!
陳亮穎 Erin / 專長:烘焙刺繡
What is the 1234 cake? How can I bake without flour? Let’s bake with a needle and thread and embroider your best wishes on a handkerchief!
Don’t Know About These? Then You Don’t Know Filming!
廖姸庭 Evangeline / 專長: 攝影技巧
You’ll learn some filming techniques to make high-quality short videos, including one continuous shot, reverses, stop motions, the mannequin challenge, and transitions.
Life without fencing? I don’t think so. – A welcome party for you to join the world of fencing.
陳怡孜 Isabelle / 專長: 西洋劍教學
“Here, I’ll give you a brief introduction of fencing, and tell you the story behind the three types of fencing and rules of them. You can hold the sword personally in this session! ”
More Than a Drink: The Tales and Details of Cocktails
施慧林 Yvonne / 專長: 調酒鑑賞
A cocktail is more than a drink. Do you desire to reveal the secrets behind those iconic drinks? Come enjoy the knowledge of “spirits,” skills, and stories!
For the Sake of SAKE: Introductions to Japanese Sake
林家禾 Howard / 專長: 清酒賞析
讓擁有Sake Diploma Int’l.以及唎酒師資格的Howard引領初探日本酒的基本知識以及多采的侍酒選擇、一窺風情萬種的日本酒世界!
I’ll lead you into the world of Japanese sake, and assure you that you’ll receive something more intoxicating than any alcoholic beverage — KNOWLEDGE.
Fun Facts You Don’t Know About Recorders
賈蓓恩 Rebecca / 專長: 木笛教學
你知道知名的音樂家韋瓦第也有專門為木笛譜曲嗎?抑或是英國國王亨利八世竟然是木笛的粉絲? 讓我們一起一窺木笛世界的各種有趣知識吧!
In this course, I’ll help you forge a relationship with your recorder and show you some fun facts and amazing music.
Three Steps to Starting Your String Journey
李想容 Shannon / 專長: 小提琴教學
Come express your enthusiasm about classical music in this free violin lesson for beginners!
Sherlock: A Study in the British Culture
江楟媗 Claire / 專長: 英國文化
Let’s explore how the TV series Sherlock illustrates the British culture through its food, clothing, and London black cabs.
Fast and Fitness
江昱翰 Yuhan / 專長: 健身方法
This course teaches you all the tools you need to getting stronger and having a healthy and fit body. There is a 15 minute quick workout in the end that you can do anywhere and anytime, so bring your towels and sneakers!
Singing From the Bottom of Your Heart
曾元 Roger / 專長: 歌唱技巧
We’ll be talking about different singing techniques, styles, and performances, and you’ll be sure to dazzle everyone at your next karaoke.
Getting Fit at Home: Basic Full Body Workout
鄭元慈 Doris / 專長: 重訓方法
Are you tired of hitting the gym after a long day at school? In fact, to get fit, all you need is a yoga mat and some dumbbells. As a qualified fitness instructor, I’ll show you how to get fit at home by doing basic full body workout without machines.
Sing and Play with Ukulele -Make yourself the best karaoke machine!
陳星諭 Jennifer / 專長: 烏克麗麗教學
烏克麗麗是個相當適合初學者的樂器! 在這堂課中,我除了會向你深入介紹這個可愛又有趣的樂器,也會挑一首練習曲來建立起你自彈自唱的能力!(練習曲選項: You Are My Sunshine / I’m Yours, / Can’t Help Falling In Love ),讓你在這堂課之後能自彈自唱70%的英文歌,成為自己和別人最棒的卡拉ok伴唱機! (*note: 上課前記得剪指甲!!)
In this course, you’ll not only get a deeper understanding of this cute instrument but also learn how to sing and play it at the same time! By choosing one of the following 3 songs – “You Are My Sunshine”, “I’m Yours”, and “Can’t Help Falling In Love” as our practice song, you’ll make yourself the best karaoke machine after this 1-hour lesson!
Dream Catchers: Expressing What’s Beyond
葉淨維 Wiwi / 專長: 捕夢網製作
Dreamcatchers often being gifts to important ones. You might be wondering what a dreamcatcher is and how to make one? Can it bring good dreams and keep bad ones away? You might have many questions or want to learn a new skill. Either way is fine, you are all welcome! In the course, I will guide you to make a dreamcatcher. I will also share the story and meaning of dreamcatcher. Looking forward to see you!
Relax Inside Out — Get Easy With Yoga
王品文 Maddie / 專長:瑜珈技巧教學
透過介紹瑜珈種類及幾種常見的瑜珈姿勢,達到對瑜珈的認識及放鬆身心 (PS: 請穿著方便活動的衣物)
Yoga can relax one’s body and mind. Take this relaxing yoga lesson to practice Namaste, breathing skills, and some basic yoga poses.
K-pop Dance Time
吳芷彤 Queenie / 專長:K-pop舞蹈教學
In this course, you’ll learn an about 30-second dance. It may be from Korean, English, or Chinese song. Before the end of the course, I’ll record a video of us, so you can post it on your social media. Let’s dance!
Greek Myths Reimagined
楊芝瑜 Chloe / 專長:希臘神話
A chance to take a glimpse into the majestic world of Greek mythology and unveil the magic of myths.