余沛錞 Terri (Pei-Chun Yu)
兼任助理教授 Adjunct Assistant Professor
臺北市立大學博士 Ph.D., University of Taipei
Dr. Yu’s research areas include English academic writing, Bilingual and STEAM education, and engagement of second language learning in higher education. She believes that writing in another language can sharpen critical thinking skills and manifest one’s characteristics. Teaching in AWEC is a new journey for her and future students to grow and define themselves through words.
“Anyone that picks up a pen can be a writer.” (Gramham, 1999, p. 363)
If language is one symbolic system among many through which our bodies and minds apprehend themselves and the world around them, then speaking or writing another language means using an alternative signifying practice, that orients the body-in-the-mind to alternative ways of perceiving, thinking, remembering the past, and imaging the future. Each of the languages we speak adds its unique dimension to our signifying self that, in its efforts to maintain its autonomy, its continuity and coherence, struggles to become a multilingual subject. (Kramsch, 2009, p. 188)